Why CBD?

CBD is a non-toxic way way to a better life. It assists in moods, aids in well being, Relieve anxiety, softens stress, in addition to many discomforts.

How CBD Works?

CBD Appears to have positive interation with serotonin receptors in the brain. cannabinoid receptors located throughout the body are a part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) Which is involved in a variety of physiological precesses. When absorbed by the body, CBD increases the ECS;s ability ro promote balance and optimal health.

How Much CBD to Take?

CBD Affects each person in a different way. Each bottle includes a dosing guide. you should consult your physician if you have any concerns.

Where in Michigan?

BUCU Farms is located in a small village 60 miles north of Detroit, in St.clair county. We are fully licensed hemp grower and processor in the state of Michigan. We strive to grow the best hemp genetics in the industry to provide the highest quality of hemp.